
Training to the best of your ability is all about knowledge. Our coaches are  knowledgable, nationaly recognized and widly published. If you need informaiton and you need it to be accurate, we have your back!

Downtime – Not just an off season thing

Downtime – Not just an off season thing

Downtime – Not just an off season thing  Often we hear people talking about the off-season and downtime like it’s some sort of shining oasis in the distance. Something that provides a break at the end of the season for us to overcome some of the slowly compiling...

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Cycling cadence and its effects on performance

Cycling cadence and its effects on performance

Cycling Cadence and its Effect on Performance  I often hear athletes talking about cycling power and cadence and throwing around terms that they don’t fully understand. Power is a relatively simple understand as it is independent of most external variables like heat,...

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Weight and its effects on the female triathletes performance

Weight and its effects on the female triathletes performance

Weight and its effects on the female triathletes performance  When we use the term ‘weight and performance’ in the same sentence, it traditionally conjures up negative thoughts like fat, heavy and slow to name just a few. In elite level triathlon there is a strong...

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