Platinum – Custom Coaching

“It is important to us that you are able to find the coaching package that best suits your goals and works smoothly within your life, family, work and other commitments. If you are at all unsure of the best plan for your needs please reach out to us directly and we will walk you through the process to ensure you have the right support for your next race and beyond.” – Mathilde Bernard

Platinum-Custom Coaching

Fully Custom, Unequaled Support – $325/month** 

You’re a seasoned veteran, Performance Focused Age Group Athlete, or Elite Athlete, and you want it all. You’re looking to qualify for Kona, Nationals, or Worlds. Ideal if you compete as a top age grouper or want to be. 

The primary difference in a plan of this level vs our Gold and Sliver plans is in the level of data analysis and communication with you as an athlete. What most coaches will not tell you that it takes almost the same time to write an advanced elite plan as an age group beginner plan. Where the difference comes is in the time it takes to analyze data and to adjust plans based on this data in order to get your plan perfect.

While many other coaches and coaching groups will offer these levels of plans, few have the skill or experience to truly do a deep dive into your training and get it right when it really matters. Our coaching team is world class with coaching experience spanning over the last 30 years and more than 20years of experience working with international world class elite athletes.

Individually customized weekly coaching program, including detailed session plans, accurate training intensity data with daily data and metrics tracking by your coach.


->>> Fully periodized training plans that include Base, Strength, Strength Endurance, Speed Endurance, Speed/Race Specifics and Taper Period across intricately developed Swim, Bike, Run and Strength Sessions.

->>> Yearly Long-Term Planning (ATP) – This builds the ideal training structure around your key races and long term goals to ensure you have the fastest rate of improvement possible.

->>> Video analysis sessions as need to assess bio-mechanical and form changes on both the cycle and run.

->>> Full access to our athlete educational resources. Including training calculators, training zone work sheets, and our performance webinar library. 

->>> Training Peaks account (Basic) – Premium is available if required for an additional $9 per month or through discussions around personal needs with your coach.

->>> Monthly testing and progress report. This included in depth data analysis via WKO5 in conjunction with your coach.

->>> Regular access to your coach via Zoom or Phone as needed.